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We offer: Adult Large Print Teen Children Adult Book Sets | | Abagnal, Frank W | Catch me if you can: the true story of a true fake | Albom, Mitch | The five people you meet in heaven | Alcott, Louisa May | Little women | Alvarez, Julia | In the time of butterflies | Austen, Jane | Persuasion | Baldacci, David | The camel club | Berendt, John | Midnight in the garden of good and evil | Blake, Sarah | The postmistress: a novel | Blanco, Jodee | Please stop laughing at me: one woman's inspirational story | Bohjalian, Chris | The double bind | Bradbury, Ray | Fahrenheit 451 | Bradley, Alan | The sweetness at the bottom of the pie | Burns, Olive Ann | Cold Sassy tree | Capote, Truman | Breakfast at Tiffany's and three stories | Castillo, Linda | Sworn to silence: a novel | Collins, Wilkie | The woman in white | Crichton, Michael | Jurassic Park | Dallas, Sandra | The Persian Pickle Club: a novel | Defoe, Daniel | Moll Flanders | Dickens, Charles | A Christmas Carol | Donoghue, Emma | Room: a novel | Farjeon, J. Jefferson | Mystery in white: a Christmas Crime Story | Fitzgerald, F. Scott | The great Gatsby | Frank, Anne | The diary of a young girl | Fuller, Claire | Swimming Lessons | Funke, Cornelia Caroline | Inkheart | Garvin, Ann Wertz | On Maggie's watch | Gaus, Paul | A prayer for the night | Gibbons, Kaye | Ellen Foster: a novel | Gladwell, Malcolm | Blink: the power of thinking without thinking | Goolrick, Robert | A reliable wife | Gruen, Sara | Water for elephants: a novel | Haddon, Mark | The curious incident of the dog in the night-time: a novel | Hart, John | Redemption road | Hawkins, Paula | The girl on the train | Heller, Jossph | Catch-22 | Helprin, Mark | Winter's tale | Hemingway, Ernest | The old man and the sea | Hemmings, Kaui Hart | The descendants: a novel | Hesse, Karen | Out of the dust | Hiaasen, Carl | Bad monkey | Hilton, James | Good-bye Mr. Chips | Hoag, Tami | Down the darkest road | Hoffman, Beth | Saving CeeCee Honeycutt: a novel | Hornby, Nick | About a boy | Hornby, Nick | High Fidelity | Hosseini, Khaled | The kite runner | Hunt, Irene | The lottery rose | Ide, Joe | IQ | Irving, John | A prayer for Owen Meany | Ishiguro, Kazuo | The remains of the day | James, P. D. | Cover her face | James, P. D. | Death comes to Pemberley | James, P. D. | The murder room | Japrisot, Sebastien | A very long engagement: a novel | Kerr, Philip | Prague fatale: a Bernie Gunther novel | Kidd, Sue Monk | The secret life of bees: a novel | King, Laurie R. | The beekeeper's apprentice; or, on the segregation of the queen | Kingsolver, Barbara | The bean trees | Koch, Herman | The dinner: a novel | Krakauer, Jon | Into the wild | Larsson, Stieg | The girl with the dragon tattoo | Le May, Alan | The searchers | Lee Shetterly, Margot | Hidden figures: the American dream and the untold story of the Black women mathematicians who helped win the space race | Letts, Billie | Where the heart is: a novel | Lippman, Laura | After I'm gone: a novel | Lippman, Laura | The girl in the green raincoat: a novel | Logan, William Bryant | Dirt: the ecstatic skin of the earth | Ludlum, Robert | The Bourne identity | Lupton, Rosamund | Afterwards: a novel | Machiavelli, Niccolo | The Prince | Mah, Adeline Yen | Chinese Cinderella: the true story of an unwanted daughter | Martin, Nicholas & Jasper Rees | Florence Foster Jenkins: the inspiring true story of the world's worst singer | Martini, Steve | The arraignment | Maugham, W. Somerset | The razor's edge | Mayes, Frances | Under the Tuscan Sun: at home in Italy | McBain, Ed | Money, money, money: a novel of the 87th precinct | McBride, James | The color of water: a black man's tribute to his white mother | McCarthy, Cormac | The road | McCarthy, Cormac | The Sunset Limited: a novel in dramatic form | McCormick, Patricia | Sold | McDermid, Val | A place of execution | McEwan, Ian | Atonement | Miller, Rebecca | The private lives of Pippa Lee | Moggach, Deborah | The best exotic Marigold Hotel: a novel | Morpurgo, Michael | Private peaceful | Mowat, Farley | Never cry wolf: the amazing true story of life among Arctic Wolves | Myers, Walter Dean | Monster | Myers, Walter Dean | Scorpions | Nesbo, Jo | The bat | Northup, Solomon | 12 years a slave | Obmascik, Mark | The big year: a tale of man, nature, and fowl obsession | Ogawa, Yoko | The housekeeper and the professor: a novel | Patterson, James | 1st to die | Pearl, Matthew | The Dante Club: a novel | Pena, Matt de la | We were here | Pennebaker, Ruth | Women on the verge of a nervous breakthrough | Penny, Louise | Still life | Perry, Anne | The cater street hangman: a novel | Peters, Elizabeth | Crocodile on the sandbank | Pezzelli, Peter | Francesca's kitchen | Pickard, Nancy | The scent of rain and lightning: a novel | Pickard, Nancy | The virgin of Small Plains: a novel | Picoult, Jodi | Change of heart: a novel | Picoult, Jodi | My sister's keeper: a novel | Pilkington, Doris | Rabbit-proof fence | Poe, Edgar Allan | Great tales and poems of Edgar Allan Poe | Porrello, Rick | Kill the Irishman: the war that crippled the Mafia | Preston, Douglas J. | Cemetery dance | Preston, Douglas J. | The monster of Florence: a true story | Pullman, Philip | The golden compass | Pulley, D. M. | The buried book | Pulley, D. M. | The dead key | Reichs, Kathy | Déjà dead: a novel | Rendell, Ruth | Adam and Eve and pinch me: a novel | Renner, James | The serial killer's apprentice | Richter, Conrad | The light in the forest | Rigby, Robert | Goal! The dream begins | Riggs, Ransom | Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children | Rodriguez, Deborah | Kabul beauty school | Robb, J. D. | Naked in death | Roberts, Les | The strange death of Father Candy | Ronson, Jon | The men who stare at goats | Rose, Karen | Count to ten | Rosnay, Tatiana de | Sarah's key | Roth, Philip | American Pastoral | Rowland, Laura Joh | The secret adventures of Charlotte Bronte: a novel | Ryan, Hank Phillippi | Truth be told | Sanson, C.J. | Dissolution: a novel of Tudor England | Schlink, Bernhard | The reader | Schoenwaldt, Pamela | When we were strangers | Sebold, Alice | The lovely bones | See, Lisa | Shanghai girls: a novel | See, Lisa | Snow flower and the secret fan: a novel | Seierstad, Asna | The bookseller of Kabul | Selznick, Brian | The invention of Hugo Cabret: a novel in words and pictures | Setterfield, Diane | The thirteenth tale: a novel | Shaffer, Mary Ann | The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society: a novel | Shepherd, Jean | In God we trust: all others pay cash | Shreve, Anita | The stars are fire | Shute, Nevil | On the beach | Silva, Daniel | The Rembrandt affair | Slaughter, Karin | A faint cold fear | Smith, Betty | A tree grows in Brooklyn | Spencer-fleming, Julia | In the bleak midwinter | Steinbeck, John | East of Eden | Stevenson, Robert Louis | The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and other tales | Taylor, Sarah Stewart | Mansions of the dead | Thomas, Dylan | A Child's Christmas in Wales | Traven, B. | The treasure of the Sierra Madre | Truman, Margaret | Murder at the opera | Twain, Mark | The adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Ung, Loung | First they killed my father: A daughter of Cambodia remembers | Van Loon, Hendrik Willem | The story of mankind | Vreeland, Susan | Girl in hyacinth blue | Wagner, Pamela Spiro | Divided minds: twin sisters and their journey through schizophrenia | Waldman, Ayelet | Love and other impossible pursuits | Watson, Winifred | Miss Pettigrew lives for a day | Weir, Andy | The Martian: a novel | Wells, H. G. | The war of the worlds | Whelan, Gloria | Homeless bird | White, Ethel Lina | The lady vanishes | Wiesel, Elie | Night | Wilder, Thornton | The bridge of San Luis Rey: a novel | Wiseman, Ellen Marie | The life she was given | Woodrell, Daniel | Winter's bone | Woods, Stuart | Iron orchid | Zindel, Paul | Pigman | | | Large Print Book Sets | (6 copies) | Hart, Marjorie 381.141 Ha | Summer at Tiffany | | | Teen Book Sets | Abbott, Tony | Firegirl | Alvarez, Julia | How the Garcia girls lost their accents | Alexie, Sherman | The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian: a novel | Anderson, Laurie Halse | Chains | Anderson, Laurie Halse | Forge: seeds of America | Anderson, Laurie Halse | Speak | Bagdasarian, Adam | Forgotten fire | Chibbaro, Julie | Deadly | Chevalier, Tracy | Girl with a pearl earring | Chopin, Kate | The awakening | Christie, Agatha | And then there were none | Defoe, Daniel | Robinson Crusoe | Dessen, Sarah | Someone like you | Draper, Sharon | The buried bones mystery | Draper, Sharon | Copper sun | Draper, Sharon | Forged by fire | Draper, Sharon | Tears of a tiger | Du Maurier, Daphne | Rebecca | Ehrenreich, Barbara | Nickel and dimed: on (not) getting by in America | Ellis, Deborah | The breadwinner | Falkoff, Michelle | Playlist for the dead | Farmer, Nancy | The house of the scorpion | Golding, William | Lord of the flies | Green, John | An abundance of Katherines | Hawthorne, Nathaniel | The Scarlet letter | Hesse, Hermann | Siddhartha | Hinton, S.E. | The outsiders | Hurston, Nora Zeal | Their eyes were watching God: a novel | Keyes, Daniel | Flowers for Algernon | Korman, Gordon | Schooled | Lee, Harper | To kill a mockingbird | Lowry, Lois | The giver | Mass, Wendy | A mango-shaped space: a novel | McBride, James | The color of water: a black man's tribute to his white mother | Orwell, George | Animal farm | Orwell, George | Nineteen eighty-four: novel | Picoult, Jodi | Plain truth | Remarque, Erich Maria | All quiet on the western front | Riordan, Rick | The lightning thief | Riordan, William L. | Plunkitt of Tammany Hall | Sachar, Louis | Holes | Shelley, Mary | Frankenstein | Shusterman, Neal | Unwind | Sinclair, Upton | The jungle | Skloot, Rebecca | The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks | Stein, Garth | The Art of Racing in the Rain: a novel | Steinbeck, John | The Grapes of Wrath | Steinbeck, John | Of mice and men | Stockett, Kathryn | The help: a novel | Sutcliff, Rosemary | The wanderings of Odysseus: the story of the Odyssey | Walker, Alice | The Color Purple | Walls, Jeannette | The glass castle: a memoir | | | Children's Book Sets | | Balliet, Blue | Chasing Vermeer | Bauer, Marion Dane | On My Honor | Brown, Jeff | Flat Stanley | Bulla, Clyde Robert | White Bird | Cleary, Beverly | Dear Mr. Henshaw | Clements, Andrew | Frindle | Davis, Deborah | The Secret of the Seal | DiCamillo, Kate | The Tiger Rising | Dickens, Charles | A Christmas Carol | Fleischman, Paul | Seedfolks | Fritz, Jean | The Cabin Faced West | Gardiner, John Reynolds | Stone Fox | Garfield, James B | Follow My Leader | Hooks, William H. | Pioneer Cat | Howe, Deborah | Bunnicula: a Rabbit-Tale of Mystery | Kinney, Jeff | Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway | Korman, Gordon | Schooled | Lord, Bette | In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson | Lowry, Lois | Number the Stars | MacLachlan, Patricia | Sarah, Plain and Tall | Osborne, Mary Pope | Dinosaurs Before Dark | Parish, Peggy | Amelia Bedelia | Paulsen, Gary | Tracker | Philbrick, W.R. | Freak the Mighty | Rockwell, Thomas | How to Eat Fried Worms | Rowling, J.K. | Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone | Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman | Nate the Great | Speare, Elizabeth George | The Witch of Blackbird Pond | Standiford, Natalie | The Bravest Dog Ever: the True Story of Balto | Stanely, Jerry | Children of the Dust Bowl: the true story of the school at Weedpatch Camp | Wilder, Laura Ingalls | Little House in the Big Woods |
Last updated on October 10, 2018 | 
