Lending Policy

Morley Library Lending Policy

MaterialLoan PeriodLimitFine/DayRenewable
Adult Books3 WeeksNo LimitNo FineYes
New Adult Books2 WeeksNo LimitNo FineYes
Board Games1 Week2No FineNo
Book Sets6 WeeksNo LimitNo FineNo
Encyclopedias3 WeeksNo LimitNo FineYes
Library of Things2 Weeks5VariesNo
Magazines3 WeeksNo LimitNo FineNo
Music CDs3 WeeksNo LimitNo FineYes
Foreign Language CDs3 WeeksNo LimitNo FineYes
Books on CD3 WeeksNo LimitNo FineYes
Framed Artworks4 Weeks4No FineNo
Juvenile Books3 WeeksNo LimitNo FineYes
New Juvenile Books2 WeeksNo LimitNo FineYes
Juvenile Books on CD3 WeeksNo LimitNo FineYes
Juvenile Theme Units, Classroom Aids9 WeeksNo LimitNo FineNo  
Non-Fiction DVDs1 WeekNo LimitNo FineYes
New Feature Film DVDs1 Week10No FineYes
Feature Film DVDs1 WeekNo LimitNo FineYes
New Blu-Ray Feature Films1 Week10No FineYes
Blu-Ray Feature Films1 WeekNo LimitNo FineYes
Wi-Fi Hotspots2 Weeks1$5.00No
Video Games2 Weeks2No FineNo

Morley Library does not charge fines for overdue materials. Exceptions are WiFi Hotspots and Library of Things.

If you do not return your items within 28 days of the due date, a charge for the total cost of the items may appear on your account. This charge will be removed as soon as the items are returned in good condition. If the fines or fees on your account are $10.00 or more, your account will be blocked until the overdue items are returned or your account balance is reduced to less than $10.00. If you have 12 or more items overdue, your account will be blocked until the items are returned. Patrons may have no more than 100 items checked out at a time. 

A non-refundable material recovery referral fee of $10.00 will be charged to accounts referred to Unique Management for collection.

Golden Buckeye and Veteran library cardholders are granted 1 extra week on all book and book on CD checkouts.

Teachers and parents who home school their children may apply for an Educator Card, which allows them to check out library materials for 9 weeks. 

Please note: If you borrow items from other libraries within CLEVNET, those items are subject to the lending policies of the owning library. Loan periods are determined by the owning library. 

Wi-Fi Hotspots may only be checked out to Morley Library cardholders and must be returned to Morley Library.

Video Games and Wi-Fi Hotspots may not be borrowed until thirty 30 days after a new card has been issued.

Framed Art, Video Games, Wi-Fi Hotspots, Magazines, Theme Units, Classroom Aids and Board Games are not renewable and cannot be reserved.

Framed Art, Video Games, Wi-Fi Hotspots, and Board Games cannot be checked out again until one day after returned.

Automatic Renewals

Materials will automatically renew one day before an item is due. This service does not apply to digital materials (i.e. Libby).

Materials will not automatically renew if:

· Someone else has placed a hold on the item.

· The item has reached its renewal limit (renewal limits vary by library system and item type).

· Your account is blocked due to excess fines or fees.

If an item cannot be renewed, you may receive a courtesy due soon notice (via PHONE, EMAIL, or Text) the evening before your materials are due. Materials may be manually renewed in the library, by telephone or online via you Clevnet account.