Wi-Fi Hotspot Devices:
Check out the Internet from Morley Library
With your Morley Library card, you can borrow a portable Internet Wi-Fi Hotspot. Our wireless lending program is a free service that allows you to take the Internet wherever you go!
Helping to bridge the gaps in access to technology, this service is ideal for those who are unable to access the Internet at home or remotely. A Wi-Fi Hotspot is a small device you can use to connect a wireless enabled device, such as a laptop, smartphone, or tablet, to the Internet. Hotspots are portable, so you can connect your device to the Internet almost anywhere you are. At home, on a bus, in the park, etc. This hotspot device works in any area covered by the Sprint/T-Mobile 3G or 4G LTE network.
Guidelines for Borrowing and Use
General use:
Borrowers must be 18 years or older and have a Morley Library card in good standing. New Morley library cardholders must wait 1 month before eligible to borrow hotspots. Hotspots cannot be checked out again until 1 day after return.
Borrowers must show a valid photo ID and sign a Morley Library Wi-Fi Hotspot Device Borrower Agreement each time the device is borrowed.
Limit to (1) one Wi-Fi Hotspot per household. Up to 10 devices can be linked to a hotspot at one time.
Overdue Fine is $5.00 per day, maximum of $25.
Service will be turned off if the Wi-Fi Hotspot is not returned by the due date.
Where can I check out a Wi-Fi Hotspot Kit?
Wi-Fi Hotspots can be checked out at the Circulation Desk or the Drive-Up Window.
What comes in a Morley Library Wi-Fi Hotspot Kit?
Wi-Fi Hotspot Device, Adapter Plug, Charger Cord, Laminated Guide and Zippered Bag.
How long can I borrow a Wi-Fi Hotspot Kit? Can I renew the hotspot once I have it borrowed?
The lending period is 14 days with no holds and no renewals.
What if I return the Wi-Fi Hotspot Kit late or lose it?
Wi-Fi Hotspots will be disabled if not returned by the due date. All borrowers are responsible for loss, theft or damage from any cause while in possession of the Wi-Fi Hotspot device.
Where do I return a Wi-Fi Hotspot kit?
Wi-Fi Hotspot kits can be returned to the Circulation desk or the Drive-Up Window. Do not return in the Book Drop. Patrons will lose Wi-Fi Hotspot borrowing privileges for 1 month if returned in the Book Drop.
What if I need help with the Wi-Fi Hotspot?
If you need more assistance than what is included in the enclosed directions, please call Morley Library at 440-352-3383. The Reference Department and the Technical Services Department will try to assist with any Wi-Fi Hotspot questions.
Privacy: Morley Library does not monitor or store any data related to users’ internet activity.
How to use the Morley Library Hotspot:
Please refer to the printed instructions included in your kit.
Click for Wi-Fi Hotspot device