Storytime Schedule
Toddler Time
Mondays, 10:30-11am
For toddlers 0-3 years old. Join staff for stories, songs, activities and BUBBLES! No registration required. Child attends with a caregiver.
Little Learners
Tuesdays, 6-6:45pm and Thursdays, 10:30-11:15am
Calling all preschoolers, 3-5 years of age, going into Kindergarten in the Fall of 2023! Get ready for Kindergarten through games, songs and stories. Practice being away from caregiver, listening to a teacher and working in a classroom setting. Children will attend without caregivers but caregivers must remain on the floor.
Music in Motion
Wednesdays, 10:30-11am
Stories, rhymes, music & instruments for active children 2-5 years old! Child attends with caregiver. No registration required.
Books at Bedtime
Wednesdays, 6-6:30pm
A family bedtime storytime best enjoyed while cuddling a stuffed animal. A perfect way to end the day! Child attends with caregiver. Pajamas welcome! For all ages.
Travelin' Tots
Fridays, 10:30-11am
Geared toward ages 2-5, little ones will travel the world through stories and songs in this a very active storytime. Learn about kids around the globe, get ready for school and have fun! Caregiver stays in the room during the activity. No registration required.
Morley Library on Youtube
Book Bundles
Each bundle comes with four books. Looking for something different? Use our Book Bundles for Kids form and have library staff hand-select books tailored to your child’s interests. Call 440-352-3383 or email for additional information.